11 Okt: PRAED (Beirut) + Musikulinarisk rundtur

ÖGAT presenterar ännu en kulturspaning i Gamlestadens föreningsmylla, gå runturen (Se info nedan) eller kom direkt till konserten.

Om bandet: “Praed” is a band whose musical oeuvre can be described as a mixture of Arabic popular music, free jazz, and electronics. In the same year, the band made its first public appearance in Al Maslakh festival in Switzerland, immediately followed by a concert at the Irtijal festival in Beirut. Since then, the band has frequented numerous international music festivals and toured intensively world-wide, spanning Japan, Europe and Canada.
Through these endeavors, the band has created a large global network with other renowned musicians as musical collaborators. The band consists of two regular members: Raed Yassin playing keyboards, laptop, electronics and vocals; and Paed Conca on clarinet, electric bass and electronics. The band’s body of work mainly explores the terrain of Arabic popular music (“Shaabi”) and its interconnectedness with other psychedelic and hypnotic musical genres in the world, such as free jazz, space jazz, and psychedelic rock among others. Since its inception, Praed has shown a very keen interest in this music as a medium that reflects Egyptian society’s complicated fabric. Through the research it conducted, the band began to discover a strong cultural connection between “Shaabi” sounds and the “Mouled” music is played in religious trance ceremonies. The hypnotizing psychedelic effect that was embedded in this genre also triggered thoughts around its similarity to other popular music in the world that employ forms of sonic delirium, such as free jazz and psychedelic rock.

Bob Baker Fish wrote in the cyclic defrost on July 15th 2016 :
They also sound like nothing else around…anywhere. Sure they’re mining an exotic aspect of Arabic popular culture, yet they’re doing so in such an exciting and groundbreaking way, referencing freejazz and electronic music and in the process creating new and hitherto unknown genres of sound that sets the pulse racing.You can’t ask for much more than that…..

OM RUNDTUREN: Runturen börjar i sedvanlig ordning vid hpl.SKF i Gamlestaden där vår guide Lena Torquato Lidén tar emot er och börjar berätta lite om Gamlestadens historia och det rika föreningskulturliv som finns runt i stadsdelen. Raskt där efter sätter kursen till den arabiska föreningen BAB AL HARA. Där avnutes en Mezebuffé i traditionell arabisk miljö. Lena berättar mer om stadsdelen, dess utveckling och om de interkulturella föreningar som är verksamma i området. Kvällen avslutas på Italienska klubben med en konsert, lite italiensk antipasti samt reserverade platser nära scenen!
Homepage: http://www.paed.ch/praed/

18.00 Samling hpl. SKF
18.30 BAB AL HARA (Arabisk förening) – MEZE (Middagsbuffé) Livemusik: (Arabisk Lounge musik)
19.30 ITALIENSKA KLUBBEN Casa degli Italiani – Bar, antipasti/Vj/Dj
20.00 PRAED konsert
Öppet till sent.

Rundtur, mat, guide, konsert 250kr
Konsert 100kr

Casa degli Italiani – Gamlestadsvägen 1

Lena Torquato Lidén – bildarlene@gmail.com